Everything You Need To Know About Award Certificate Templates

Thursday, June 15th 2023. | Sample Templates
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Everything You Need to Know About Award Certificate Templates

What is an Award Certificate Template?

An award certificate template is a document that outlines the design and purpose of an award certificate. It is used as a tool to help create an official recognition of an achievement in a particular area. Award certificates are used to recognize individuals and organizations that have achieved success in their respective fields.

Types of Award Certificate Templates

Award certificate templates come in a variety of styles, themes, and formats. Some of the most popular template types include:

  • Academic awards
  • Athletic awards
  • Business awards
  • Creative awards
  • Leadership awards
  • Service awards

How to Use Award Certificate Templates

Using award certificate templates is a great way to create an official recognition of an achievement. Here are the steps to creating a customized award certificate with a template:

  1. Choose a template that matches the type of award being given.
  2. Input the details of the awardee and the type of award being given.
  3. Customize the template with any additional information, such as quotes, pictures, or logos.
  4. Print the finished certificate and present it to the awardee.

Where to Find Award Certificate Templates

Award certificate templates can be found online, in print, or in software programs. Some popular places to find templates include:

  • Template websites, such as Microsoft Office, Canva, and Adobe Spark
  • Printable template websites, such as Freepik, Creative Market, and Printable Awards
  • Desktop publishing software programs, such as Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Publisher


Award certificate templates are an excellent way to create an official recognition of an achievement. The templates come in a variety of styles, themes, and formats, and are available both online and in print. Whether you are looking for an academic award, a business award, or a creative award, you can find the perfect template to suit your needs.

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